currently consuming: April 2021

I have quit my job.

I have one month left. Having to count the days towards something has slowed time.

Once I’m free, I’ll be currently consuming so much art, I cannot wait. The last time I was this burned out was the end of grad school, and I made a really bad “tag video” before knowing what a tag video was. It’s called “After Grad Attack.”

This post is basically to say how excited I am to be free of the capitalist machine soon, and how grateful I am to my past self for saving up and my husband for being supportive (financially and emotionally) of this decision. I know it’s a thing a lot of people want to do but aren’t in the position where they can, so I’m so, so, so grateful about it.

READING: Jade City (just finished), Jade War (will start soon) by Fonda Lee. Spectacular. Drawn Together by Z. A. Maxfield, which I loved with the exception of one really weird, out of character scene that nearly made me quit it. Glad I persisted, because it’s a beautiful love story. Soooo much angst, which is my ultimate jam. The Discomfort of Evening by Marieke Lucas Rijneveld—excellent, but perhaps it should have been called The Discomfort of Reading, because… I can only read like a chapter at a time before I get squicked out.

LISTENING: “Atlantis” by Shinee, writing playlists for novels 4 and 8 I’m planning to jump into as soon as I’m free.

WATCHING: Shadow & Bone, of course. Call the Midwife, Demon Slayer (still), Haikyuu (on repeat), My Hero Academia, Big Bang Theory, and the Batman movies (all of them).

Oh!!!! The other big thing! My husband and I dismantled our guest room and made it my office. It’s delightful. Almost all of my books are in one room now!!!!! And I actually get to use the computer he built for me like 2 years ago. A video tour to come on the Bookstahooda channel, of course.

That’s all for now, I think!!! You’ll be hearing way more from me once I’m freeeeeeee!


on writing through depression


currently consuming: feb. 2021