currently consuming Nov. 2020

Hello! Even I can’t fault me for not checking in last month. It was a hellscape; it’s still a hellscape! BUT! January looks a lot better, doesn’t it?


SO! My reading romance binge continues! This month, I read all the Green Creek series by TJ Klune one after the other. Man. MAN. So many feels. My fav couple is… Carter and Gavin? Ox and Joe? Kelly and Robbie? Mark and Gordo? That’s the order of my favs… I think. They’re just all precious.

Dracula. The original. Reading it as a buddy read with my friend Brittany. I’m wayyyy behind. Thankfully, she’s a wonderful reading buddy and isn’t putting pressure on me. I’m listening to the Simon Vance audiobook, which is good. I’m just very out of touch with my classical reading brain, since at one point I was stress-reading (listening) to about an audiobook every 2 days.

Audiobooks that stand out from this deluge include: Snow Falling and Hug it Out by Davidson King (I mean, I totally only picked these up because of Joel Leslie, but I am so happy I did. Intending to finish the series.)

Other than that, I started reading Wintering this morning. So far, I very much enjoy it.


I’m rewatching all of Shitt’s Creek so I can watch the final season with all the details fresh. Patrick and David are finally together and just EEEEEE at all the cute.

Two days ago, I started watching Hannibal. OHHHHH MAN. I am obsessed, but like, not in a creepy way. I just already have a pinterest board of memes. Par for the Sandy fangirling course. I’m 5 episodes in and cannot wait to go home, crack open a gluten free IPA and watch like 3 episodes with no interruption.

Also watching My Hero Academia (subtitles only, dearrrrr god) with my husband whenever we both have a free moment. We’re almost current now. Just started Season 4. Oh, Bakugou. <3 My Vegeta-loving heart has found a new love. We’re also keeping current with Haikyuu. In fact, I dressed up as Suga for Halloween with my friend who went as Asahi. It was wonderful!


It’s NaNoWriMo! And I’m participating for what is about the 6th time since I found out about it in 2008. I’m working on a project called "Ghost Gays” for now. I can’t figure out a better title yet, but it’s very cute so far. I’m set to break 30K words today, or tomorrow—something I haven’t ever done this fast. This is my first genuine romance, though there are still fantasy elements—I mean, one of the leads is a ghost, after all.

It’s the first book I’ve written that takes place in the “real” world. I’ve had to do research about places and language and even economics?! Who am I?!? And it’s in first person—something I have never done, and never wanted to do. But these characters just demanded to speak for themselves, so who was I to argue. I’m also getting to use a character I dreamed up for my first draft of The Value of Memory who ended up getting completely cut due to me having about 7 different plot lines.


To Taemin’s new release, which I like even more than the first part of Never Gonna Dance Again. and still Folklore. Always Folklore. Also my “Ghost Gays” playlist whenever I’m writing, which includes a lot of Troye Sivan—his haunting sadness is perfect for my book. (Though it’s gonna be a happy one, I promise!)


BTS’ BE album this Friday, of course! I’m glad there’s less hype around this release than there was for Map of the Soul: 7 . I’m less anxious about it. I’m sure it’ll be wonderful and just the balm the world needs, just like “Dynamite” was.

Cyberpunk 2077—I won’t be playing, likely, but I’ll be watching my husband play whenever I feel like it.

I think that’s all for now—just wanted to get back into the sort of monthly habit.

See you again soon, hopefully when Ghost Gays is done!


currently consuming: dec. 2020


currently consuming 3!: Sept. 2020